
made at 7:30pm

this is my friday piece. i swear i made this at 7:30pm, before i went over to a friend's house, i just didn't have time to upload it before i went out. this is my first pin in the series of floral fiber accessories [all the others have been hair clips or headbands]. the fabric and vintage earring [the red pearly looking flower component] are all upcycled. more info on this series to come..


  1. Cori, this is so exciting! The red pearly flower reminds me of buttons, which you know I LOVE!! I can't wait to see more!
    Hey, we'll see you Thanksgiving week! Big shindig being planned over that weekend across the street. Hope to see you there. You'll get to meet my "Partner in Crime"

    Love ya, Anita

  2. Is this a Monday thru Friday thing or should I be asking about what you made on Sat. & Sun.

    Like the pin, I have old costume jewlery of my aunt's if you want it, remind me on Sunday and I'll give it to you. Cherry
    PS-I believe you that you made that on Fri. before you went out.
