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so, an hour and a half ago, i was still in painting mode and thought "well, i'll start a little study of our chickens to work on tomorrow.."
and then i couldn't stop..and all of a sudden, she just appeared!
and really, i think she was actually finished after only an hour, but i'm still trying to learn when to make that call, and needed to "go too far" in order to realize it. but it was a good study.
i think i spend so much time with the chickens in physical life that i somehow had a inherent sense of their shapes, which made painting this one rather easy and quick to come to me.
it was a much needed present at the end of a doubtful day..
unfortunately, i can't post this one to facebook [which is probably the only means through which people would be motivated to read this blog], as this clutch purse is a gift for someone who adores penguins, and would know that she is getting it as a present, were i to share it on facebook. oh well.
Alright, starting a new purse. While i'm waiting for the primer base to dry, i'll start talking about yesterday.
So, the title of the previous post [continued here] basically sums up my saturday afternoon. I spent the majority of the day making bread, yogurt, and soup stock, and then went out to an "art party" of sorts- that term giving absolutely no justice to the event itself.
This event, called "ReTASK," is a conception of artist Oliver Herring. It's like performance art, only everyone there is the performer or creator of the art, driven by others' ideas. You can get the basic gist of TASK by reading the instructions from the event itself [orange sign above]. It was so fun! i can't believe i was such a retard hermit buttmunch the past two years, not going. Glad i went this year, as rumor has it, it's the last year FLUXspace is hosting it. I think I should just let the pictures do the talking.
PS. i think all of this making in one day should count doubly for my "item-a-day" goal. which would be nice, since organizing this post just ate up like 2 hours of time that would have otherwise been spent painting the purse i mentioned at the start.
man, i wish there was some way i could be in my studio at 5pm everyday [impossible Mon-Fri, as i don't get home from work til 6]. the light in here is so wonderful right now! since i work with iridescent pigments and glitter a whole lot, and have old glitter painting remnants up on the walls, the warm afternoon/evening light highlights all of those sparkling elements in the studio- including all of the cobwebs in the window sill nooks. it's fantastic! i'd take a picture to post, but i guarantee nothing that i'm describing will show up- photos rarely capture any of those nuanced subtleties of natural light that happen in a space. not to get all melodramatic mystic hippie, but those are the moments that make the act of living something real.
this light is fading fast [thanks, Fall]. i'm going to do some painting before it completely disappears. the post on the items i made yesterday, that i was intending to write about now, will just have to wait until a little later this evening.
this is my friday piece. i swear i made this at 7:30pm, before i went over to a friend's house, i just didn't have time to upload it before i went out. this is my first pin in the series of floral fiber accessories [all the others have been hair clips or headbands]. the fabric and vintage earring [the red pearly looking flower component] are all upcycled. more info on this series to come..
finally! a blog to call my own..
so this begins the commitment to myself, or as i have been referring to it inside my head, "lessons in accountability and follow-through". this blog is going to serve as my public sketchbook, where i am making the commitment of...making an object a day. this will most likely take form in drawings and pieces i'll be/am working on for my craft business- painted shoes, accessories, etc. and probably some sewing projects as well.
if you read my bio area [cause that's like the first thing everyone does when they read over a new blog, right?..], i want some input on the projects i post. and not just blanket "oh, awesome!" comments- that's what facebook is for... i want some critical feedback. because i miss the feelings of anxiety and insecurity that fueled me to bust my ass in making paintings during art school.
ok, so i'm just going to start this machine up, and pretend that no one's actually reading this, so i'm not so self conscious about the whole thing. and i swear to god my writing on this contraption will become a little more graceful in time...maybe.

so, for today, i'm going to count these here shoes i've been working on AND the title image for the blog as my daily items. i think that's fair. the shoes need to be finished- another coat of the bright pink outline- i made shift it more towards a red, haven't decided yet. and then add a thin second outline of silver. oh, and if you like them, they're a size 7 1/2 . email me and we'll talk...
also, while i was trying to write this, i got distracted by Michael Eudy's website:
he's a painter and was a grad student while I was an undergrad at Tyler. and damn! i like his paintings. his statement is also pretty great. you'll actually enjoy reading this one. not the usual esoteric, pretentious crap most artists write [you know it's true..]